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Showing posts from April, 2023

How to Use @JsonIgnore Annotation to Exclude Fields and Fix 'Infinite Recursion (StackOverflowError)' in Your Spring Boot Project for Customized JSON Output

One common error you may encounter when customizing JSON output in a Spring Boot application is the Infinite Recursion (StackOverflowError) error. This occurs when you have circular references between objects, where Object A refers to Object B, and Object B refers back to Object A. When Jackson attempts to serialize these objects to JSON, it gets stuck in an infinite loop, resulting in a StackOverflowError. One way to fix this error is to use the @JsonIgnore annotation to exclude one of the circularly-referenced fields from the JSON output. If you're working on a Spring Boot project that uses JSON serialization to handle data, you may have come across a scenario where you don't want certain fields to be included in the serialized JSON output. This is where the @JsonIgnore annotation comes in handy. The @JsonIgnore annotation is a part of the Jackson JSON library, which is the default JSON library used by Spring Boot. When applied to a field in a Java class, it t

Enabling CORS in a Spring Boot Application(access to xmlhttprequest at blocked by cors policy fix): A Complete Guide with Code Examples

Enabling CORS in a Spring Boot Application Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a security feature implemented by web browsers that restricts web pages from making requests to a different domain than the one that served the web page. This is a common issue when building Single Page Applications (SPAs) or consuming RESTful APIs from different domains. In this blog post, we'll look at how to enable CORS in a Spring Boot application. Step 1: Add CorsFilter Bean The first step to enabling CORS in a Spring Boot application is to create a CorsFilter bean. Here's how: import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration; import org.springframework.web.cors.CorsConfiguration; import org.springframework.web.cors.UrlBasedCorsConfigurationSource; import org.springframework.web.filter.CorsFilter; import java.util.Arrays; @Configuration publi

Receiving Post Requests in Spring Boot Controller: A Guide to Using Map Object Instead of DTO Class for Simplified Handling and Increased Flexibility

Spring Boot is a popular framework for building web applications, and it provides a convenient way to receive HTTP requests using the @PostMapping annotation in its controllers. When processing a post request, it's common to use a Data Transfer Object (DTO) class to map the request data to Java objects. However, it's also possible to receive post requests without a DTO class and instead use a Map object to represent the request data. In this blog, we will explore how to receive post requests using a Map object in a Spring Boot controller and discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages of this approach. Handling a Post Request in a Spring Boot Controller First, let's start with a simple example of how to handle a post request in a Spring Boot controller using a DTO class. Consider the following DTO class: public class UserDto { private String name; private int age; public String getName() { return name; } public void set

How to Minimize Boilerplate Code and Generate Getters and Setters Automatically with Project Lombok in Spring Boot

  Project Lombok is a popular Java library that can help developers reduce the amount of boilerplate code they write. This library includes a set of annotations that can generate getters, setters, constructors, and other methods automatically, making code shorter and more concise. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the key features of Project Lombok, how it can help developers, and why it has become so popular among Java developers. What is Project Lombok? Project Lombok is a Java library that can help developers reduce the amount of boilerplate code they write. This library provides a set of annotations that can generate code automatically, such as getters, setters, constructors, and other methods. For example, suppose we have a Java class with two private fields: name and age. In a typical Java class, we would need to write a constructor to initialize these fields, getters and setters to access them, and perhaps some other methods. However, with Project Lombok, we can use the

Best Practices for Converting DTO to Entity and Vice Versa in a Spring Boot Application

  Spring Boot is a popular framework for building enterprise applications in Java. One of the key features of Spring Boot is its support for mapping data between objects, which can be extremely useful when building RESTful APIs. In this blog post, we will discuss the best practices for converting DTO objects to entity classes and vice versa in a Spring Boot application. DTOs and Entities Before diving into the conversion process, let's first define what we mean by DTOs and entities. DTO stands for Data Transfer Object, which is a simple Java class that represents data in a specific format. DTOs are typically used for transferring data between different layers of an application, such as between a controller and a service. On the other hand, entities are persistent objects that are stored in a database. They typically represent a table in a database and are used to interact with the database. Entities usually contain additional fields and annotations that are specific to the database

Create React App vs Razzle: Which Tool is Best for Building Your Next React Application?

  React is a popular JavaScript library used for building user interfaces. It provides a declarative approach to building UI components, which makes it easier for developers to reason about their code. When it comes to building a React application, there are many tools and frameworks available that can make the development process faster and more efficient. Two popular choices are Create React App and Razzle. Create React App Create React App is a command-line interface tool that allows developers to quickly set up a new React project with no configuration needed. It provides a pre-configured environment with many useful features such as hot reloading, code splitting, and a development server. Create React App also includes a build tool that generates optimized production-ready code for deployment. One of the main advantages of Create React App is its simplicity. It is easy to set up and use, and provides a good starting point for beginners. However, it also has some limitations. Since