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Beginner's Guide: Installing and Accessing a Relational Database using Docker

Installing a Relational Database for Beginner Developers using Docker

Docker is a popular containerization platform used by developers to easily package, deploy, and run applications across different environments. With Docker, developers can create lightweight and portable containers that can be easily deployed on any system with Docker installed.

One of the popular use cases for Docker is to run a relational database like MySQL or PostgreSQL. In this blog post, we will guide you on how to install Docker, run a MySQL database using Docker, and access it from the host system using both GUI and command-line interfaces.


Before we get started, you need to make sure you have the following prerequisites installed on your system:

Installing MySQL using Docker

Once you have Docker installed on your system, you can use the following steps to install MySQL using Docker:

  1. Open a terminal or command prompt and enter the following command to download the MySQL Docker image:
docker pull mysql
  1. After the download is complete, run the following command to create a new container and start the MySQL server:
docker run -d --name mysql-container -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password mysql

In this command, we are creating a new Docker container with the name mysql-container and setting the root password for the MySQL server to password.

  1. Once the container is running, you can use the following command to access the MySQL server from the command-line interface:
docker exec -it mysql-container mysql -p

This command will start the MySQL command-line interface and prompt you to enter the root password you set in step 2.

Accessing MySQL from Host System

To access the MySQL server from the host system, you can use one of the following methods:

Method 1: Command-line Interface

You can use the following command to access the MySQL server from the command-line interface on the host system:

mysql -h -u root -p

This command will connect to the MySQL server running inside the Docker container on the host system.

Method 2: GUI Interface

You can also use a GUI tool like MySQL Workbench to access the MySQL server running inside
