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Understanding Wrapper Classes in Java: Why Java is Not Fully Object-Oriented

Wrapper Classes in Java: Why Java is not Fully Object-Oriented

Java is a popular programming language that is widely used for building a wide range of applications. It is an object-oriented language, which means that everything in Java is an object, including primitives. However, unlike some other object-oriented languages, Java is not fully object-oriented. This is because it uses wrapper classes for its primitive data types, which are not true objects. In this blog post, we'll explore wrapper classes in Java and why Java is not fully object-oriented.

What are Wrapper Classes in Java?

In Java, there are eight primitive data types: boolean, byte, short, int, long, float, double, and char. These data types are used to store simple values, such as numbers and characters. Wrapper classes are classes that encapsulate these primitive data types, providing a way to treat them as objects.

The wrapper classes in Java are:

  • Boolean
  • Byte
  • Short
  • Integer
  • Long
  • Float
  • Double
  • Character

For example, if you want to create an object to represent an integer value, you can use the Integer wrapper class. Here's an example:

Integer myInt = new Integer(42);

In this code, we create an object of the Integer class that encapsulates the value 42. We can then use this object in the same way we would use any other object in Java.

Why Java is not Fully Object-Oriented?

Java is often described as an object-oriented language because everything in Java is an object. However, this is not entirely true. Java uses wrapper classes for its primitive data types, which are not true objects. This means that Java is not fully object-oriented.

There are several reasons why Java uses wrapper classes for its primitive data types:

  1. Efficiency: Wrapper classes provide a way to treat primitive data types as objects, which can be useful in some situations. However, they are not as efficient as primitive data types themselves. For example, creating an object of the Integer class takes more memory than simply using the primitive data type int.
  2. Compatibility: Java was designed to be backwards compatible with earlier versions of the language. This means that if a new feature is added to Java, it must be compatible with existing code. If Java were to eliminate primitive data types and only use objects, this would break a lot of existing code that relies on primitive data types.
  3. Simplicity: Using wrapper classes for primitive data types allows Java to be simpler and easier to learn. It's easier to understand the difference between a primitive data type and an object when they are represented by different syntax.

While Java is not fully object-oriented, it is still considered an object-oriented language because the majority of the language is object-oriented. The use of wrapper classes for primitive data types does not detract from the object-oriented nature of Java.


Wrapper classes in Java provide a way to treat primitive data types as objects, which can be useful in some situations. However, they are not true objects and are one of the reasons why Java is not fully object-oriented. Despite this, Java is still considered an object-oriented language because the majority of the language is object-oriented.

If you're new to Java, understanding wrapper classes and the object-oriented nature of the language is an important first step. By mastering the fundamentals of Java, you'll be better equipped to build robust and scalable applications.
