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Showing posts from October, 2014

feofus solutions java interview questions

Today I would like to share an interview experience with you. Any way let me start.              They conducted a 2 hours written exam which includes technical question as well as aptitude question. I am not bothered about the aptitude question :P from my point of view , one with high technical skill will elected regardless of evaluating their aptitude skills.                            Well.. now let’s consider the technical questions. They have 4 questions. Two of them related to java collection framework , one is from hashSet and another from hashmap. And the third one related to database queries . It is not that much challenging ; an average programmer can handle that very quickly . For that reason will explain all other questions except the last one.         Before I dive in to the explanation I would like to share my overall outcome or how I treated that event. All those question are very simple to me but for various reasons I can’t perform well in that interview. I am